Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes
A step-by-step guide for ringers from bell handling through to ringing Plain Bob Minor inside.
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Illustrated throughout with colourful photographs, diagrams and interactive activities to help the reader consolidate and check what they have discovered, this book provides a step-by-step guide for ringers from bell handling through to ringing Plain Bob Minor inside.
The fundamentals of ringing are explained in an easy to read, uncomplicated style which will appeal to all age groups. Learning tips are provided to highlight certain important information and guidance is given on skills building at every stage with emphasis placed on the importance of developing all the foundation ringing skills.
The book is easy to dip into to find the relevant information about each stage of learning. It follows the Levels of the Learning the Ropes scheme provided by the Association of Ringing Teachers and will help ringers progress from handling right up to ringing their first methods and calling their first touches
“I absolutely love the layout with the colours and diagrams, it is just the sort of resource that I would choose to learn from.”
“Proficient ringing will not be obtainable without the basics and your chapters have captured this fact.”
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