Discover Bell Ringing
Introduces both new ringers and potential recruits to the world of bell ringing.
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The book helps those who are new to ringing understand something of the history and culture of the activity as well as answering some of the common how, where, why and when type questions that new ringers ask. It also gives a taste of how new ringers can develop their interest in ringing.
It may be provided to new ringers as well as being used for those showing an interest on tower open days or other such occasions. In easy language it gives information on the history of ringing, how bells are made and hung, what change ringing is and how it’s done, the stages of learning to ring, safety hints and a taste of who and why people ring.
There is space to record a ringer’s first few towers and performances, information on tower and association details and guidance on where to find out more.
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